Sunday, March 11, 2012

A follow up on our meeting with Jane

My goodness, what an eventful day. Soon after our meeting with Jane, my brother grew very quiet. I noticed immediately, but inquired about it when we got home. He said he felt as though an anchor was pulling down on his heart when he watched Jane walk away from us. He also said that the only though occupying his mind was one of her and him growing old together. Is there such thing as Bennett fever? Because if there is, its definitely going around.

A walk down London street

Today as I was strolling down the street with my dear brother, we came across an old friend. Who might this be? Well, it was no other than the sweet Jane Bennett! We chatted briefly and I couldn't help but notice that her eyes were constantly wandering about my brother's face. Initially, I found this rather peculiar but through the course of the conversation, I remembered how often this occurred when we were living in Netherfield. Strange, the things one forgets so easily.


Though my feelings and opinions have not changed, I really do feel that I should apologize for my harsh words. While I do not understand Mister Darcy's attraction to Elizabeth, I must respect it; Mister Darcy is a respectable man. I still can not even begin to visualize them as a couple. Yes, the girl has some amiable qualities, but those will only get you so far in life.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Darcy proposed to ELIZABETH?!

I can not believe Darcy would even think to propose to Elizabeth. Along with being extremely under-educated, the girl is simply barbaric. I mean what kind of lady actually enjoys walking around outside? She can be relied on for incessant prattle and completely wild hair. I can only assume that poor Mr. Darcy was feeling very sick that day and that he may have had a delusional moment. If only he had a caring, educated, loving wife who could sing for him or walk around the room for him to watch...