Thursday, March 8, 2012

Darcy proposed to ELIZABETH?!

I can not believe Darcy would even think to propose to Elizabeth. Along with being extremely under-educated, the girl is simply barbaric. I mean what kind of lady actually enjoys walking around outside? She can be relied on for incessant prattle and completely wild hair. I can only assume that poor Mr. Darcy was feeling very sick that day and that he may have had a delusional moment. If only he had a caring, educated, loving wife who could sing for him or walk around the room for him to watch...


  1. I cannot help but feel offended, Miss Bingley. Though I do not wish to believe you could have meant what I believe you were getting at, I would like to say very simply that my dear sister deserves a good man. If Mr. Darcy believes he can be a good man for her, he may propose. But it is up to my sister to decide whether or not he is able to make her happy. I would also like to add I would appreciate it if you would not speak of my dearest sister like that again, for it brings me pain because I would never allow anyone speak ill of you.

  2. Jane dear, you think to highly of everyone, and in this case of someone who does not deserve your high opinion. Caroling meant everything she said, and I can agree on most things. No, I am not as educated as I or anyone else hopes, I do enjoy walking outside, and I do like to read. But do not feel me a threat for I have rejected Mr. Darcy because of point I would rather keep personal, so there is no need to feel so beneath me and wanting to be in my place. You will not have to gossip about me to the world to get your attention you so full heartedly desire. Mr. Darcy will go back to being his proud, cold hearted, and mysterious self. I will go back to being my "poor", "uneducated" self, and you, Caroline, can return to being a ....well what is it that you do again, other than brushing your hair and annoying the very essence of Mr. Darcy?

  3. It is true that I have proposed to Elizabeth. I have completely fallen in love with her. I do not agree with any of the comments that you have made toward her, Caroline. I am in complete love with her, even if she does not feel the same for me.

  4. Being sort of a mediator, I can not say that I completely agree with you because my good pal Darcy enjoys her presence. I am extremely confident in his opinions especially after he saved me from a marriage with Jane. I do agree with you, though, because the lady had the arrogance to show up my poor pal Darcy! I do not feel that she has the authority to insult him in such a way! If you decide to go after my dearest pal, make sure you are good to him!

  5. Mrs. Bingly you surely do not mean to speak ill of my younger sister Elizabeth. Mr. Darcy has finally found his love, and it is natural that he has made the first move. Let us hope that everything turns out well for the both of them.

  6. Caroline,
    I am also quite worried about Mr. Darcy's decisions as of late, but please calm yourself. I am sure Mr. Darcy has been acting under most unfavorable circumstances while in Huntsford; however, I am struggling to determine what could possibly have provoked his latest decision. I think It would be in Mr. Darcy's best interest to return to Pemberly as soon as possible. Don't worry Caroline, I will request to Lady Catherine immediately that Mr. Darcy be excused from Rosings, and if my request is ignored, I shall not hesitate to make the journey to Huntsford and retrieve my good friend myself!

    With sincere regards,
    Charles Bingly

  7. I totally disagree! Elizabeth is a lovely woman who is much undervalued by you. A lady such as her is eons above of Mr. Darcy's deserving, and I am glad that she refused his proposal. While Elizabeth to an outsider may appear to turn down far too many proposals, in this case it was merited. Elizabeth is so accomplished, so beautiful, so lovely, that I am appalled Mr. Darcy could even attempt marrying her.

  8. I am in love with Elizabeth. I only want to marry her and you are not an option. Even if she does not feel the same way for me I will continue to love her. Everything you have said about Elizabeth is false. I love everything about Elizabeth.

  9. Darcy has been highly hypocritical and surprising in his most recent actions. Although he is very close to me and has made some good judgements in my life. I think that Lizzy is sort of an enjoyment to be around. You won't have anything to worry about though, I'm sure he still thinks she's not suitable enough for him.

  10. You have made it quite evident that you have interest in Mr. Darcy yourself. Just as you wish, you may have him. I have no desire in marrying him or even pursuing any type of friendship with him. He is a man full of conceit, arrogance, and pride. Your opinion on me doesn't shake mine.

  11. I am completely capable of choosing a wife. This was definitely not a delusional moment. I did this knowing full well of what i did and I will continue to stand by it. She is a lot better of a woman than you are Caroline and you need to realize that. I will never like you or propose to you so give up!
