Sunday, March 11, 2012


Though my feelings and opinions have not changed, I really do feel that I should apologize for my harsh words. While I do not understand Mister Darcy's attraction to Elizabeth, I must respect it; Mister Darcy is a respectable man. I still can not even begin to visualize them as a couple. Yes, the girl has some amiable qualities, but those will only get you so far in life.


  1. Only so Far

    So what you are saying, Caroline, is that Mr. Darcy is a very respectable man and that you cannot see us together because of our differences. Well thank you for your words, that let me know that in your opinion I am not respectable and actually the very opposite of Mr. Darcy.

  2. I am honestly just as surprised as you are, Caroline, with the news of Mr. Darcy's feelings for me. I am well aware that my circumstances, both financially and in society, are well inferior to his, which makes it that much more confusing as to why he would ever fall for a girl like me. I can only imagine how foolish you must consider me for refusing him, but you are one of many who feel this way. Nonetheless, I do appreciate your consideration to apologize; I would have never have expected that from you.
