Sunday, March 11, 2012

A follow up on our meeting with Jane

My goodness, what an eventful day. Soon after our meeting with Jane, my brother grew very quiet. I noticed immediately, but inquired about it when we got home. He said he felt as though an anchor was pulling down on his heart when he watched Jane walk away from us. He also said that the only though occupying his mind was one of her and him growing old together. Is there such thing as Bennett fever? Because if there is, its definitely going around.


  1. Bingley

    Yes, I agree that Bennet fever is possible and your brother did have it; however, he left Netherfield without as much as a words to my sister. I do not mean to offend but this leaving Netherfield must be someone else's doing, someone else's wish, don't you agree?

  2. Hey, if you are really that mad, Talk to your boy Darcy. He is the one that split me and Jane up. If it was up to me,i would still be with Jane at this moment.

  3. Mrs. Bingley, your brother is obviously feeling depressed about ending things with Jane. Perhaps instead of criticizing, you should be a loyal sister and gently question his motives for ending the relationship. Then, perhaps, we can better understand his reasoning for breaking my sister's heart.

  4. It is so true Caroline, I love Jane. I have been denying my feelings for her, feelings which run deep and true to my love, and it cannot continue. You must accept that marriage is best engendered by love, not connections! I have come to accept that Mr. Darcy must pursue his heart and marry Elizabeth, and I realize now that I must follow my love for Jane. I do not wish do disappoint you my dear sister, but I have confessed to you the truth, however painful it might be.

  5. I was so very wrong on your brother, do accept my sincerest apologies! But why, may I inquire, have you left? Jane was very broken, and still is not fixed.

  6. Why would you do such a thing? You knew that i loved Jane. Or maybe you are just trying to keep me unhappy. I'm not talking to you for a while....
