Sunday, March 11, 2012

A walk down London street

Today as I was strolling down the street with my dear brother, we came across an old friend. Who might this be? Well, it was no other than the sweet Jane Bennett! We chatted briefly and I couldn't help but notice that her eyes were constantly wandering about my brother's face. Initially, I found this rather peculiar but through the course of the conversation, I remembered how often this occurred when we were living in Netherfield. Strange, the things one forgets so easily.


  1. Oh Caroline, you act as if the love between my sister and your brother was so long ago! You are well aware that love like that, true love, never completely fades, so you should not act surprised if my sister is eyeing Bingley when you pass her on the street. It is not fair to her or Bingley that their love was robbed from them, but I will not speak of that matter. It grives me everyday to think that Jane must be faced with such sorrow when she is the most amiable and cordial person I know.

  2. Caroline, you should know the reason as to why I was searcing your brothers face. It is obvious, is it not? Do you not remember that your brother and my sister were destined to be married? Probably not because you have the memory of an 80 year old woman. If your brother had not been holding your arm through the park, you would have gotten lost. Aside from that, your brother has missed out on the most amazing woman that he will ever encounter.
